Sunday, June 03, 2007

architects and planners for justice in palestine (apjp) petition

( photo of Lifta by Hussam Siam)
From the Saudi Debate website, article on the Architects and Planners for Justice in Palestine (APJP) petition:
Israel's illegal occupation of the West Bank has not only been carried out using tanks, bulldozers, troops and colonialist settlers; it has also required builders and architects, whose complicity in the occupation has rarely been highlighted but which is essential to the entire, disgraceful project now underway. As the 40th anniversary of the June 1967 war approaches - on 5 June - architects around the world are increasing the pressure on Israel's architects to withdraw their professional services in the designing and building of Israel's illegal expansion into Palestine. As Susannah Tarbush writes, the position of the architects has led to the routine, unsurprising accusations of anti-semitism from the usual quarters; even so, some Jewish and Israeli architects have joined others in being vociferous in their calls for their fellow-professionals to end the role they are playing in changing the ‘facts on the ground' which are steadily obliterating the idea of a viable Palestinian state... article can be seen via

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